Sunday, March 7, 2010

New Video Up

Hey y'all!

So many of you know... Ok some of you know... Ok, maybe the two people that read this blog... lol Know that I'm helping out with the music on Sundays at my home church in Jacksonville, Fl. I have been blessed with the chance to work with a great group of worshippers who long for God to do amazing things. Well I'm just dropping by to let you guys know that I have a new video up! I got a chance to sing Then he bowed his head and died, it was a great powerful service! Anyways hope you guys enjoy it, and if you're ever in the Jacksonville area, come out and worship with us! Love y'all!


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Hey friends,

So I was going to post a link to youversion for my scripture reference but, their server seems to be down, so I'll just post it right here.

Ephesians 5

"15Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, 16making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil."

What a true scripture. I often wonder how it's possible for me to do this. To live in wisdom, I know that if I ask for it, God will be faithful to give me wisdom to live, but what if even when you are living a life of surrender, in God-given wisdom, and things still go wrong? You ask yourself, "God, why is this happening to me?" You might relate to the psalm where the psalmist shares of how his enemies are prospering yet he seems to be in a constant state of distress... Why me Lord...? How can we stay in wisdom, within these evil days, even when everything goes wrong when we are doing everything right?

Just yesterday, I sang the tenor role for the Mozart Coronation Mass in C (no violas... yippee... I mean... ;) ) And over the weekend I got this sinus infection that just wouldn't go away... For those of you who sing out there you know that if your nose is stuffy, it's nearly impossible to sing because it feels weird, and it sounds weird. My folks were in town and while we went out to lunch, I begrudgingly asked my dad, "Dad, why does this always happen to me?' I always get sick for my big performances." I say this because several times before I've had to cancel important musical events because I've gotten sick. Surprisingly enough, my dad simply responded, "So that God can be glorified." I got so upset at my dad for the short response and cutting response. Because I thought, "God is always glorified, whether I'm sick or not, I always try to live humbly before Him, and give Him the glory, why is this time any different?" And I guess I don't have any answers for it, but just to know that the rain falls on the just and the unjust, and that can be taken in two ways, the healing rain falls on both believers and non-believers, but also, the acid rain of this life falls on us both, but at the end of the day, GOD IS SOVEREIGN. He needs not explain why He does the things He does because everything that He does works for my good in one way or another. And I trust Him in all He does even if I don't understand. Well to finish the story, I was able to sing last night, and although it wasn't the easiest that I've done it, I relied less on myself and more on Him. I surrendered myself to Him and He worked through me. People didn't even notice that I was sick. Glory be to God. So I guess the only way that I've realized that I can live in wisdom is to acknowledge that human efforts cannot produce heavenly wisdom, and that I just have to acknowledge and boast in my sufferings and infirmities, that Christ power may rest on me. Love you guys!

